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  • johannamchugh

Was Jesus of Nazareth a Shaman ?

Was Jesus of Nazareth a Shaman? A question I asked myself when I first stepped deeper into a shamanic way of seeing. According to the scant information we currently have about Jesus and his life, the time between his teaching in the temple age twelve,(ish) ,and his appearance at the river for his ceremony of rebirth, at age thirty, (ish), is a mystery . It is conceivable that he learnt spiritual ways from the Essenes and he could have visited India to learn about Vedas and meditations. In truth we really do not know.

I'm not going to quote chapter and verse from the King James collection,nor any modern version. We know that there is apocryphal writing and less popular gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene ,and others ,which are not included in many Sunday services. Works previously hidden were discovered around 1945 and there may possibly be others ,yet to be revealed.

However,from my own exploration of the books I have read, the inspiration I have received,and some reflection, I think I have a few clues as to Jesus' shamanic way of seeing and teaching.

He asked us to learn from Nature, to consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air,the wonderful way that they are cared for and loved by a higher power.

He was not afraid of the storm, even when his friends feared they would drown,he calmed the situation.

He knew where the fish were. A role of a traditional shaman was to know where to find food and tell the hunters. Jesus undertook a vision quest,going up the mountain overnight , alone, to seek help,meeting with his spiritual ancestors. Arriving back blessed and radiant from the other world ,to help and guide the people of his tribe.

His forty day fast in the desert at the start of his teaching,facing his shadow,going back into the world to communicate his message to those who would listen.

His life was unique, marvelous,a gift for all time. If he were a Shaman,he was a Master Shaman, one to be respected, listened to, contemplated,reflected,

Loved as a companion on our journey .

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