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  • johannamchugh


Coming up to Imbolc. The full moon disappearing between the roofs as the light reappears after the darkness of winter.

Imbolc, and candlemass ,names for the welcome return of light. This is a time of awakening.

This is the time of Bridget or Bride, a Celtic deity, adopted as a saint by the early Celtic Christians. She's a saint of poetry and blacksmiths , magicians who forge their craft in fire. Smiths and wordsmiths .

How shall we forge our work in this fire. Small beings as we watch the light return.

Out of darkness nearly, escape the perils of the night. Daylight comes assuring. The wait is over . Breathe relief.

Pause between breath and feel the gentle dawn ,gift each day from the one who loves.

Can I pause a moment more and feel the stillness;rest in natural great peace. I take the words of ancient sage and in the furnace of this heart and mind bring about a different work,a different shape, offering to a goddess timeless gratitude for her teachings.

Light returns ,cycles and rhythm. What's past is gone. This is a new day with a realm of possibilities, take your time, don't rush,be kind,be gentle,be open to the way of wyrd and feel.

All Loves speak the same language, my burden is light, give up your angst, put away fear and rage, in the midst of turmoil turn inwards to the center of the universe where heart and breath unite. Send your love out to the world. It is the only way.

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