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  • johannamchugh

Power Animal

This is Archer. Once upon a time he was a regimental drum horse in the British army. I rode him a few times after his retirement and was so amazed to discover how he was so sensitive and responsive to the slightest muscle movement, almost imperceptible even to myself. He was an incredible being. So huge, intelligent and gentle.

Our relationship with our four legged relatives is fraught with illogical contradiction. Some we love , some we eat, some we absolutely abuse and it doesn't make sense to me at all.

In some Earth based traditions our relationship is different. The life the animal gives for us to eat them to stay alive ,is treated with respect and gratitude, no part of their physical body is wasted. There is a closer connection with life and death,an immediate awareness of how we are all interdependent on each other. I think this deeper connection and relationship is what brings about the concept that animals are also a part of us on psychological spiritual levels .

Having a relationship with a Power animal is a way to bring greater awareness of our connection with all life. As humanity reevaluates their place in the world, maybe we can become less anthropocentric and recognise we have neglected to take notice of our many teachers in other bodies.

Both Buddhism and Shamanism have acknowledged our responsibility to all beings, to all our relations.

Finding a Power animal through meditation, in a journey with drumming can be an empowering experience. The animal who comes may be one you have been close to already or might be a complete surprise.

Since I found mine nearly twenty years ago, they have supported me through some challenges and guided me back when I lost my way. Both in journeys and for this world they have been a real friend. I am still learning who they are as I am still discovering who I am . They have a unique sense of humour and are not all serious but they have definitely expressed disapproval if I have gone off track. I realise they are part of my personal power, my psyche, my self. They don't dictate,they advise. They only have my interest at heart. I trust them. Like Archer they are kind ,wise and gentle . A being filled with Love.

Drumming for and facilitating a journey to find a Power animal has become a foundation for my Shamanic practice. It has become a profound and real way to grow into wholeness and balance.

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