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  • johannamchugh

Our time

This is the book I have been reading lately. It is an anthology of the lives of women who spent their lives following their paths of Dharma. It wasn't easy for them at times but they persevered because they had conviction that it was their life's purpose to do so.

Hidden in the notes of the biography of Machig Lapdron who lived from 1055-1145, is a comment on our time which gave me some reassurance and hope, as well as a re- commitment to revealing my own path of Buddha Nature. I suppose like many comments on matters of mind,it is not always easy to determine on what levels they operate and to what exactly they are referring. Are they literal or symbolic, physical or mental, inner or outer, both or neither . Maybe they cannot be understood with our earthly mind but need to seep into the unconscious,take root and only after a long time of growing very quietly, burst into flowering at a least expected moment.

However this is, whatever it means, it gave me something from which to step into the uncertain future, and gave me more of a purpose to follow the healing paths as they arise.

The text (p167) :

"There is a prophecy in an ancient text that during the Kali Yuga following the death of the Buddha,there would be much disagreement about the teachings of the Buddha."

The note (p 198):

"Kali Yuga: this present degenerate age or epoch. We have degenerated from the Golden Age through the Silver Age and the Copper Age,and we are now in our most degenerate (spiritually and morally) Iron Age, which will become worse and worse with things getting faster and faster until the end of the Yuga when evil will have spread to such an extent that it will reach the sacred kingdom of Shambala, at which time the kings of Shambala will muster an army and the tides will be reversed. This is to happen about three hundred years from now."

My (personal)Comment:

There have been many settings over the years where I have heard the phrase "spiritual warrior " and to me the note above gives that phrase some kind of context. Perhaps we who have come here at this time are spiritual warriors of the vanguard of that army. If so ,there is vital reason why we need to keep the healing paths of peace, practise our meditations ,grow in compassion and wisdom and never give up hope.

It might not always be easy, but we can dedicate to our practise and like those women of wisdom who lived with vastly different struggles, we can make the effort to reach the Buddha within and live according to the true Nature of who we all really are.

Although some things in the world are terrible , and sadly , could, "get worse",this is not a reason for despondency or gloom ,it is a reason to be more vigilant in our practices and more committed to the methods we choose to counterbalance the hurt.Whether we choose crystals, dance, prayer, meditation,we are blessed in our time that there is so much to choose from. Whatever our actions, big or small, be assured, they will contribute to the overall generation of loving kindness in the world.

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