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  • johannamchugh

On Death

Having thought about birth,I came to thinking about death. How we leave this planet,leave our bodies behind and shuffle off this mortal coil. Death as a subject of all religions, death as a subject of social policy,family and individual. Death from illness, accident, suicide,war. The list goes on. Rituals, customs. Grief,relief.

When I was ill once, lying in bed on a beautiful summer day ,with a soft breeze blowing the curtains I thought about death as a relief. I had been feeling pretty ill, coming out of chemo and radiotherapy. The breeze was so beautiful,the day outside so inviting. I felt myself detaching from my body and heading off . I thought ; it would be really nice just to drift away ; leave body and mind ;go, and not come back. As I was leaving, suddenly,my mum came to mind.

"Get back! " She shouted. "Get back! You're not ready to come over yet. There's too much to do ." I came back.

That was June 2015 and I then had to find out what I came back for. So here I am ; and still working out what I came for. It was Francis of Assisi who told us he only did what was his to do and prayed that each of us would find and "do what is mine to do." I think as individuals we have chosen to come here and every one has a purpose. The human race as a whole also has a purpose and spiritual teachers and texts can guide us to fulfill that purpose. At core the human being is here for the care and love of all beings,all our relations. Including the rocks and trees, rivers and seas. Somehow we have lost our way.

I was grateful to hear the words of a wise Lakota elder the other day who had said. "The power is not lost;you are ". Which means the power is here . The power is here and we need to find it. This power is not power over, dominion, hierarchy. It's a different power, one of connection, wisdom,compassion, sharing. This power is the kingdom of heaven, Buddha nature and within every creature. Whilst all creatures contain it ,it is the gift of human being to be consciously conscious of it. Buddha has told us that the gift of human life is not to be wasted. We as individuals here,now,are not here forever. Maybe some part of us lives on when we leave our skins and bones behind,but before that happens, before we pass over into the other world, let's do our part, however small we think it might be,to bring some healing to the world. It only takes a mustard seed or a pinch of yeast to make the difference.

With thanks to my mum. (1932-1995)

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