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Meeting fellow travellers

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

This is Medicine Buddha. Also known as Bhaisajyaguru. He is a Tibetan Buddhist brother who is one of my companions.He has been around a long time, I first came across him about six years ago and have become closer over the years. I find him a wonderful companion.

I've recently met a man ,via his books and videos ,who is also making a difference to the way I think,how I see the world and myself in the world. You may know of him already so will see where I am coming from. His name is David R Hawkins. He left the planet a few years ago and left us some remarkable work to consider in our evolution. One of his gifts is Kinesiology, which I am beginning to learn about , it's already been helpful to my understanding of who we are. David was an American psychiatrist,widely respected in his field,so for me that gives him some credibility and worth listening to. He also mentions Ramana Maharishi , one of my beloved teachers ,so that gives him extra points aswell !

David R Hawkins has written about the evolution of consciousness and I'm a beginner and very new to his work,but as it's already widened my vision ,I felt I needed to write about what I have discovered from paying attention to him for a bit as some of what he says resonates with my own thoughts and has helped me feel a little less isolated . Most of my life has been quite lonely, not having anyone to talk to about how I really feel about life . David R Hawkins has helped me see a little bit about how there could be an explanation for my feeling that and enabled me to more confidently stand on my ground. Now firstly,and this is me talking, the ego needs to be gently put in her rightful place ! I am not this body, not this mind , but something bigger ,wider, more unfathomable. However;that bigger, wider etc, IS NOT ME.

Back to David R and my understanding of what he says : Human consciousness is evolving. For many hundreds of years we have been bobbling along at a certain level, until a few years ago we took a sudden leap forwards in the form of Ghandi , Einstein Jung for example. And I also think the widespread sharing of ancient philosophy such as Bhagavad Gita, transcendental meditation Tibetan Buddhism. But a large number of us are still bobbling along. However, it is possible for individuals to raise the level to be more compassionate and wise through meditation,contemplation etc and by raising individually ,the collective consciousness is also raised. ( Obvious really,as we are ALL part of the one collective consciousness. Me again )

So . If I feel alone it's because I am part of a minority , but , I am not alone ,there are just not many like me ! However now I know differently I am confident that there are more like me ,and together we can begin to raise the consciousness of the collective by our individual meditation etc. This is not a myth or a pipe dream ,we can keep going on our individual paths and together we can make a difference. Despite the carnage we see and the physical and mental pollution we live within, we can, like the lotus, rise out of the mud. We can discover the jewel in the lotus.

Om Mani padme hung.

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