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  • johannamchugh

Guardian on the path

Coming to the close of 2022 and the Winter Solstice, Yuletide, Christmas,Hannukah, all celebrations of light, let's remember that there are treasures also within the darkness.

This year has, like all years, been a year of opposites, I guarantee next year will be the same. The wheat and the tares grow side by side, life is, birth,death and resurrection; it's how I receive the cosmos and her sweet and sour gifts that determines what I will see when I look back ,how I will create as I walk forwards . My present moment has the prospect of eternity if I can practice the presence of God and look for the teachings.

I am extremely grateful to all the people who have visited this medicine door and opened it for a moment, some have contacted me and it has been a joy to meet you. Some have come and left quietly and I thank you for coming. I have learnt so much from my interactions with you and my experience in facilitating your journeys has been inspiring and humbling. Thank you for sharing with me.

I go forwards in to a New Year, ready to continue learning and growing in my Shamanic practice, being guided by Spirit, meditation and connection . I commit to continue in my own quest for wholeness and balance, integrity and authenticity.

I know I am different already from how I was when I opened this door, I find my roots, my way to the stars , I find my guardian on the path.

With Love and Gratitude.

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