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  • johannamchugh

Gone beyond

This morning I was practising a meditation when I was reminded of the mantra :

Om Gaté Gaté Paragaté Parasamgaté

Bodhi Svaha

It's one that has sent me from time to time and in different ways, beyond.

I began to see that it's important to realise that enlightenment is an ongoing process. It's a verb ,not a noun. It's a state of being,not doing, but it is not a state of inaction. There's a lot of discussion in some circles,of enlightenment, however I am seeing it more as enlighten-ing. It's like a boat on the water, moving across the surface, held but not clinging.

It is not static, settling beautifully in a blissful nirvana above the world of suffering,set apart from the rest. It's more like gliding on the river born by a current , but not out of control or perilously heading fearfully for the unknown . It's being in Buddhamind, equanimity and joy.

This place is open to us all, every single one,who embarks on the Way, the Buddha's unsurpassable Way. It's up to each one of us to take the steps towards going beyond,no one can do it for us. Thankfully we have help. Meditation, mantra, the eightfold path, are some ways towards realising our Buddha mind .

We live in a time where Buddhas are desperately needed, for us now and for future generations, all sentient beings,all our relations.

There are a few similarities between Buddhism and Shamanism and I find that their mind body connections work well together. I love the way they complement each other.

There's a third party to these traditions I also find beneficial and that is an awareness of Christ consciousness,the spirit inherent in all things. Thus the mind body spirit connection is made and the unity which goes beyond dualistic thinking can begin to heal the separation and disconnection which is hurting us today.

Keep going, don't stay put, in a comfortable seat, take to the river ,go beyond.

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