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  • johannamchugh

Emerging light

I have been away for a while exploring.

Most of my travelling is mind. Reading, thinking, meditation. Television news, documentaries, on-line newspapers, all bring information and sensory overload , sometimes hard to deal with . The world is not fluffy,light and beautiful ,although it can be. It's not corrupt, cruel and evil , although it can be. What an unfathomable place we live in. What a contradictory, paradoxical place we have created. How shall we proceed ? How will we evolve?

A shamanic way involves a consideration of these and other questions. Who are we, who am I. There are methods to discover how to live as a sacred human. Not living in the wilds away from civilization,but living as part of the universe, the one.

Having respect.Taking responsibility.

Listening. Caring. Recognizing that humans do not really have dominion over creation but are part of that creation. A valuable contribution but an unevolved part. Unevolved but still growing,becoming. We are fortunate because we have some choices, more than alot of our fellow creatures. I hope those of us who have choice are able to make those which lead us to a knowledge of our collective. Thich Nhat Hanh,a loved Buddhist teacher ,calls our connection "interbeing" . I hope we can begin to recognise the interbeing of us all and create a place which embodies an emerging light. I feel we have quite a long journey ahead. But another wise sage said : a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So let's get walking.

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