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  • johannamchugh

Ancient Texts

I have just come across an ancient text written in the eighth century scribed from oral teachings which go back more than a thousand years before they were written down.

This text of Kashmir Shaivism was rediscovered in the last century.The book I have was published in 2019.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi gospels were also discovered in the last century. Hidden in a cave, still being understood.

If the ancient Egyptian discoveries and those of ancient Briton are taken into account ,it could feel as if the wisdom of the past is being brought in to our present. We certainly need it.

I wondered if there could be a purpose or reason why these ancient cultures and spirits were coming forth now. Maybe our spiritual ancestors have something to tell us, to teach us. However much we may think ourselves developed and advanced,we are still learning, becoming,evolving. If we have come some way off knowing our path of collective dependency on our Earth, it might not be too late to return to it.

The texts have a central message; we are all related; we are cells of the one consciousness which is in all life.

Maybe we can begin to retrieve this perspective and become more aware of our deep unity, rather than looking at the superficial appearance which we use to separate us from each other. This sense of separation is a terrible illusion which enables our most heinous crimes .Our true nature of pure consciousness is beyond duality, beyond the external bodies of flesh and mind through which we experience each other.

Our true nature is what we seek when we set off on this mystery called life. There are many ways ,each one as unique as our finger prints. Texts, meditations, teachers, prayers, are only the tools to find it. It is already there, waiting for each of us to turn in to our own small cell of consciousness and see the reflection of the One.

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